Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Went off track, but I'm coming back!

Well, as I typically do any time I ever do a diet of any kind, I went by the wayside a bit this past weekend....I did give myself the cheat in advance for the bachelorette party, but I also cheated yesterday by having some beer at our very favorite spot, Flying Saucer....I just couldn't resist.  However, I did NOT have the usual popcorn with it nor did we order anything absurd off the menu.  Actually, we ordered some hummus, which is probably one of the healthier menu items.

Saturday was a total wash....First I ate Mexican food (which, I really feel stupid about the decision I ended up making at the restaurant, although I really was trying to be good) and ended up ordering a chile relleno with chicken.  The only "healthy" choice involved in that was foregoing the chipotle cream sauce it was served with and opting for the verde sauce instead, which is just the simple green sauce made mostly of green chiles.  I did not even eat half of my plate though and hardly touched the rice, so at least there was portion control involved.  Being a bachelorette party I won't even try to justify the cocktails.  We had a blast!

Sunday was spent doing a lot of resting on the couch.  Shane grilled some jalapeno-cheddar chicken sausage that night for dinner, which we ate with chips and salsa....Again....not the best of choices but it could've been worse!

Monday we slept in, but I woke up starving.  I ended up just having a Cliff bar (yes....I know that is not good) and had a cup of black coffee while Shane went running.  In the afternoon, we went to Saucer where I enjoyed a couple of Memorial day brews....Dinner Monday night consisted of grilled bacon-wrapped asparagus and grilled tilapia.  Slowly but surely I began getting back on track...

Today was my first day to get reprogrammed.  I missed a day of my cleanse this weekend, so the fiber shake schedule is a little off....I had a fiber shake this morning and then had oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast.  I actually ended up having a package of the flavored oatmeal.  Typically I would just do the plain rolled oats, but I compared the labels and discovered that the flavored oatmeal I had is the "low sugar" kind so there were only 3 g of sugar and the exact same number of calories. I figured it wouldn't kill me...When I got to school I ate the white of a hard-boiled egg for some extra protein.

3/4 avocado
small packet of tuna
a few wheat crackers with some hummus

Spark energy drink

1 hour yoga class

leftover bacon-wrapped asparagus (1 piece of bacon wrapped around 4 spears)
small piece of tilapia
small serving of green salad with dressing (I know dressing is a no-no but calorie-wise it's not much at all)

Tomorrow I hope to do even better.  Cleanse is officially over in 3 days, but I still plan to keep up this diet for sure during the week for as long as I can possibly stand it.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Day 3...Is it REALLY just Day 3???

Despite the title, things really aren't so bad at all.  In fact, I've enjoyed making myself healthy dinners and packing healthy lunches and spending time really thinking about what I am eating.  It isn't burdensome to me at all.

 I will say, however, time seems to be going very slowly.  I feel like it's been MUCH longer than 3 days that I've been sans junk food.  And I'm NOT even a junk food addict by any means.  The only "sweets" I have in stock around here is a glass bowl of Dove dark chocolate candies and that is only because some students gave me some for my birthday/teacher appreciation.  We do not eat desserts around here.  We also don't drink sodas or a ton of processed food.  But saying "no" is still hard....This week I've had to resist the urge to grab a handful of Goldfish out of the bag when passing out snack to my class.  I also had to resist the VERY tempting cupcake display at a baby shower after work today....Now THAT was tough!  I couldn't....unfortunately, resist having a small cup of the punch they were serving....I justified it because it was made with fat free lime sherbet and ginger ale, which is a lower-sugar soda.  I also went to Earth class at my yoga studio today, which is a very intense, power-yoga flow class.  Tons of push-ups, balancing, and core work.  So I don't really feel guilty about it.  I think eating a cupcake would've been the big fail....but I did NOT give in!

Today's meals:

Advocare fiber shake
Spark energy drink
(waited 20 minutes)
1/4 cup oatmeal with almond milk
1/4 cup blueberries on top
hard boiled egg white

packet of salmon in water
10 or 12 whole wheat crackers with a little bit of garlic flavored hummus
1/2 cup blueberries

small boneless skinless chicken breast cut up over a romaine lettuce salad (chicken seasoned with crushed red pepper and a sprinkling of Ranch seasoning); added cherry tomatoes to the salad, sprinkled a few tortilla chips on top and used salsa for dressing.

I told Shane I really think I could continue eating like this on a regular basis so long as I had at least 1-2 cheat days each week.  Otherwise I would end up crashing and pigging out and just giving it up altogether.  I can't do anything cold turkey.  If anything I've learned that it's all about moderation and just being mindful!  I will be anxious to take measurements a week from now to see if anything has changed.  So far I haven't noticed a huge difference in the way I feel except that I am a bit more sluggish and tired (prob from lack of carbs and sugar withdrawal since I do drink quite a bit of red wine typically) and on the flip side I feel more energized in the mornings.  I also notice that my belly feels less full when I go to bed and the increased water intake has helped my cravings for sugar.  The fiber shakes are not making me crampy or bloated...Thank goodness!

Day 4 tomorrow and then Day 5 means my husband is HOME!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 1: So far, so good!

Today was my first day of the 10-day cleanse.  For being only 10 days it is a little bit complicated!  (at least it seems that way right now)  You drink a fiber shake the first 3 days and the last 3 days, you take pills every night before bed the first 7 days, then on days 4-10 you take a different pill packet.  I will probably have to check the little "schedule" every single day in order to make sure I am doing it right.

As far as my eating goes....I think I am definitely the type person who goes overkill with eating healthy.  I tend to eat MORE when I am eating healthy.  Sure, the foods I eat are a zillion times better for me and not fattening or super high-calorie, but I think I try to cram too much into one meal.  Overall though...I think I did pretty good.

Spark energy drink
Fiber shake
(drank both of these on an empty stomach very shortly after I woke up, then got ready and walked the dogs)
1/2 cup oatmeal (plain, with almond milk, topped with 1/4 cup blueberries)
1 hard boiled egg (mostly ate just the white part and discarded the yellow)

small packet of white tuna
1 avocado
Spark energy drink

1 apple

1 hour Pilates class (Holy crap was it ever hard!)

small serving of angel hair pasta (Yes yes I know it's carbs, but Pilates was SUPER intense, I sweat buckets and came home completely famished!), sliced zucchini, squash and a few cherry tomatoes cut in half
I seasoned it with pepper, red pepper flakes, Italian seasoning (I read that it is very low in sodium) and a tiny drizzle of olive oil.  It still tasted SUPER bland so I sprinkled it with a tiny bit of parmesan...Yes....I know!

Okay so I kinda screwed up at dinner....But it could've been worse!  At least I didn't have any wine!  And so far haven't had any major sugar cravings.  LOVING the Spark drink too.  I'm using the Lose It app on the iPhone too to track my food/calorie intake.  According to the app, which is pretty dead-on accurate, I am still 600 calories under my budget today (this is thanks to my Pilates class of course).  Feelin' pretty good!

1 down, 9 to go!


Sunday, May 19, 2013

I'm baaaack.....with a vengeance!

Well friends, for those who used to read my blog and enjoyed it, I have returned (at least for now)!  For those who thought it was stupid, how about not reading it??? :)

Anyway, my "vengeance" I speak of is my new attitude I have against all foods that are bad for me, i.e. all foods that I just so happen to love!  After trying on a bridesmaids dress for a wedding in June and not being able to zip it all the way up, I realized perhaps I need to wake up and smell the carbs and start caring just a little bit about what I put in my body.

So I'm starting with a detox cleanse....Starting tomorrow, May 20th I will be doing the 10-Day Cleanse from Advocare.  I've heard great things about it (despite the fact that the fiber shakes supposedly taste terrible) and I am hopeful that if anything it will help me form some better habits, or at least make me a little more conscious!

The biggest challenge of this cleanse.....NO alcohol at all (obviously) and very little carbs/starches.  Otherwise I think the diet should be pretty easy.  Most of the suggested foods are things I typically eat anyway or really enjoy eating....However when I went grocery shopping today I was blown away by how DIFFERENT my grocery cart looked when I went through the checkout line and how much lower my grocery bill was!  Here are most of the items that were in my cart today:

whole wheat crackers
rainbow spiral pasta
pinto beans
black beans
canned diced tomatoes
ground turkey
jalapeno chicken sausage
baby spinach
sweet potatoes
bagged salad
almond milk
Special K protein shakes (hope they are good!)
frozen fruit (raspberries and strawberries)
frozen broccoli and cauliflower
frozen brussel sprouts
canned tuna
canned salmon
brown rice

Items I already had in my freezer to be included in my "diet" are chicken breasts and tilapia.

None of these foods are crazy weird for me to purchase, however, it was shocking to me how very little of these items I actually do buy on a regular basis.  The items missing from that list that I would normally buy include cheese, wine, bagels, cereal, bananas, and oranges, ground beef or pork chops.  Otherwise, I consider myself an overall pretty healthy person.  What I didn't realize was how very little I knew about certain foods that are thought to be healthy, but actually aren't!

I'm excited about this "adventure" and am very confident that starting it with my husband out of town will help me to really stay on track this week.  My plan is to blog either each night or every other night my meals and my progress.  This will help me stay accountable....I hope!  I have already given myself a "cheat" night because I have a bachelorette party to go to on the 25th....but other than that I am determined to be a stickler!

Wish me luck!