Those that know me well know how much I enjoy cooking. Those who do not know me well also may know this due to my many postings on Facebook of meals I cook. Before I begin to regularly update this blog (which I DO, in fact, plan on doing) let me warn you: I WILL be posting pictures of food I cook and I will be mostly talking about food. If this is going to be irrittating, boring, or bizarre for you then please read no further!
My husband and I actually got into a slight argument after a rather messy, "multiple dish" dinner the other night. He made a comment (from his "spot" behind the sink after dinner--God bless that man!) that "maybe you should start making easier dinners." To this remark I replied, "What?" (not because I was so angry about his remark but because I honestly did not fully hear him). He repeated what he had said and added, "I just mean it seems that your dinners use a lot of dishes and seem a little complicated sometimes." I proceeded to get defensive and tell him I would stop cooking dinners so often and would try to make things simpler, such as Hamburger Helper or more casseroles. His point, after the fact, was simply that he did not expect me to make such lavish meals. This was when I voiced to him what my Facebook postings and constant state of mind between the hours of 5 pm until around 7-7:30 pm each evening are really saying. "When I cook meals--complicated, messy, and involved as they may be, I feel a self-satisfaction that I cannot explain. It's like therapy to me!" Luckily this was a good enough response to him so he let it rest and then quickly followed his comments up with "I mean, not that I'm complaining that you cook for me all the time!" (yeah, NO KIDDING, Buddy!)
I was glad to have said that out loud to my husband bc it truly made me realize how much cooking means to me. Silly as it may sound to many, I feel like it may be the only thing I am truly "good" at. And, honestly, I don't even claim to be good. I know better cooks out there! (::cough::my mom::cough::) Everything I cook is a recipe I got from a family member, friend, magazine, or website. I have come across a few "self-discovered" recipes just by chance, but there is nothing I do that is original or "never-been-done." I just simply enjoy cooking. I love the way it feels to plan a meal, to shop for the ingredients, to put it in the oven--just knowing it will taste delicious; and I love the look on my husband's face when he comes home from a long day at work and I tell him "Dinner will be ready soon." Growing up I was never good at sports or really anything other than talking a lot and I guess I had a bit of a musical side (took piano lessons for 8 years). But most of my friends were at least somewhat athletic and could claim a sport for a hobby. I never had tht and I still, to this day, avoid playing sports to avoid utter humiliation. But I would go up against anyone in the kitchen because I feel good when I am there. I know it's nothing spectacular, but to me...I feel just about on top of the world when I taste a meal that I have prepared--after a long day at work, mind you. Call me a Martha Stewart, Domestic Wannabe but I's pure therapy!
So this post is just getting started seeing as how I have not even posted about the meal I prepared tonight. Actually, it was probably one of the most simple meals I've cooked in a long time. I have a strategy for planning my meals. I typically purchase enough food for at least a week's worth of meals, if not a week and a half. I purposefully plan all my meals with perishable items to be cooked early in the week and/or early in the grocery-store "cycle" (as much as I do buy and cook food I try to avoid the grocery store as much as possible). Tonight's meal was nearing the end of my "cycle" so it was down to the canned stuff. And let me tell you, don't knock the cans! Before I go further I must give credit to Pinterest for this meal. I found this recipe during my many explorations of the Food and Drink boards on the site (which is all I really ever look at anyway--imagine that). Anyway, the recipe is a Campbell's Recipe called Chilaquiles Verde Bake. Apparently this is a traditional Mexican dish which consists of corn tortillas and sauce. This was an amazingly easy recipe and the prep time was all of 5 minutes. In fact, it took less time to put it together than it did to throw away the cans and clean up the accidental cheese spill on the floor. (luckily the dog helped me with that one)

The recipe calls for garlic powder and chili powder. Sadly, I had just run out of chili powder and I haven't had any garlic powder in months, so I subbed the garlic powder for garlic salt (really, what's the difference??) and the chili powder for ground chipotle peppers. It was mucho bueno!
Link to the recipe:
Chilaquiles Verde Bake
Adios for now, everyone! Live long and eat well! :)